
Saturday, December 3, 2011

New walker

Caroline was sick with a tummy bug on Fri. We were up all night. I can't believe how well she bounced back. We were able to run errands and get our cards mailed out. We shopped a little and enjoyed spending time together. Caroline is starting to say small sentences. She patted Camerons arm today and said, daddy, milk please. It was so cute and directed at him. She is funny toomwithnher expressive eyebrows. She also has a new walker that we are able to borrow and she is learning to enjoy. And manever she took four steps forward in it tonight with an audience. She was so happy and so was I.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Trip to the ER With Caroline

Well this morning was an adventure with Caroline. She has had an upper respiratory issue for the last 6 days and now it just keeps getting worse. This morning she was really having a hard time breathing. We drove her to the local ER close to the house. They did some preliminary tests and told us that she would have to be transported downtown to Wolfsons Children's hospital for further testing. Caroline got to ride in her first ambulance. We are now at Wolfsons hospital getting tests to see whyshe is having so much trouble breathing. They are ruling out psnemonia. More info to come....

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Almost Fall

It is past time for an update. We have been busy with our new school schedule and other exciting adventures. The girls have adjusted to the new schedule. If you ask Carley though, homework is dumb and boring! Caroline is happy going to school everyday and has increased her activity with bike riding twice a week and practicing her gait trainer three times a week. we also have added water therapy which is amazing!!!!Our therapist wants her in the water three times a week which is a challenge for me....usually does not happen. Cameron stays busy at work. He and Carley took a trip to Greenville to see cousins, Nana and Papa. They are watching the Auburn game today! Caroline and I are relaxing at home watching Barney.
God has opened doors for me to work very part time with my degree. I am subbing at Caroline's pre-school at our church. This place makes me smile and makes me happy. Caroline is welcomed with loving arms and extra help for me! She has three teachers with ten children in her class. I have been able to meet and know most of the teachers since Caroline has been there in some capacity since she was 2. I love seeing the kids and the teachers and all the learning and singing going is in my blood. I have two friends that I walk with weekly which is a huge inspiration for me to get out and be active. God has brought me special friends even though it has taken almost three years to feel at home here. I miss fall and the change of seasons every September and October.
We have had two sets of company this past month. We were thrilled to see and visit with our BFF's from Texas, Brent and Mimi came out and we did a lot of eating and laughing and having fun being friends. We try to see them every year. They are our oldest standing couple friends of ten plus years. we also have been able to see our friend , Jud, college buddy. He is in town working and we have had him for dinner. He sat for us to go on a date and we have loved having him. Cameron stays up late and talks, they went on a fishing trip and played magic trips. This makes life exciting and worthwhile as we treasure our friendships.
I have also started selling Thirty - One gifts. I am addicted to bags. I have purses and lunch boxes and mommy totes. So I am always finding what I need. I am making a little bit of money, but able to have fun and have about 2- 4 shows a month. People actually stop me and ask is that a Thirty - One bag? Why yes!!!! Here is my
Blessings to you for stopping by. Please pray Caroline learns to walk this year. She is capable needs stamina and motivation. We have our back brace for scoliosis and it is really terrible. For now she only sleeps in it as it keeps her trapped from moving. Please pray her spine curve does not get worse. This could mean back surgery in a few years.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Ortho Visit

Caroline has finished summer school. Carley has finished art classes. We just got back from Myrtle beach and had a lot of fun in the sand and pool. The new thing we did this summer was letterboxing. The kids loved it. it is almost like treasure hunting in a new city while creating your own family mark in a stamped notebook. We also are starting to have more doctor appointments and yearly check- ups. Caroline is four and will need her four year check. Two weeks ago we went to see the orthopedist and now will be wearing a scolio back brace in a few weeks. we will go on Monday for casting. It is one more thing on our list of woes, but hope it will aid in Caroline standing and walking soon. I can only dream and hope as it seems like it may not be a reality after four years. She is starting to wear on me physically as we have both gained weight. So I have begun gym work outs nearly every day and i need to lift weights and strengthen my body as I am her main caretaker. We are enjoying a quiet day at home. Caroline is napping and Carley is playing barbies. Cam is at work unfortunately. We are thankful for God's continued care and provision, but sure would love for our Daddy's work day to be less. We do not want to grumble and complain. God meets our daily needs and that is all we can ask for. We also sold our Durango as Cam also has been given a company car. This is another answered prayer as we need car payment money for Caroline rather than another car at this time.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Caroline is back to school.....

We seem to have been a bit more busy than the school year. I think we have been to the pool once a week and a play date with friends once a week. Carley has been taking art classes daily for three weeks. She absolutely loves them. There is a lot of planning and painting and sculpting going on. Our sweet friends also have a pool in their back yard and we have been there alot.
It is cloudy and rainy here, but we have a day planned to dress like cows and go to Chick - fil - a.
Caroline went to summer school this week and seems to be happy. This has allowed me to grocery shop and go to the dentist and spend a little time with Carley too!
Caroline plays outside, paints, plays inside the sensory room and takes a nap. I pick her up around 2:30pm. Cam has been kind enough to drop her off so we all do not have to be ready!!!!
we have an orthopedic appt coming up next Monday and a birthday next Tuesday!
Caroline is working on standing and sitting and really starting to bear weight more on her legs. She is getting therapy at school as well as private PT twice a month.
we are not having a big party this year and have hopes of starting a special needs trust for her which will allow Caroline to have the best possible care in the future if she outruns us! It is a high start up cost and we are using birthday party money toward her fund. Please be in prayer for our SSI approval. We were denied once and I have researched more information and am going to apply four times in a row and then higher a lawyer to see about obtaining financial benefits for medical care and costs for Caroline. It is a long process and quite tedious on my part.
We have hopes of ordering a device that will help her crawl which runs $550.00 and she is no where near potty trained so we constantly need diapers. She also takes two meds that run 55.00 a month. We will also need to get a wheelchair in the next two years that can be 2-3,000. I never thought she was expensive, but SSI would cetrtaintly allow us to help her more and maybe add more private therapy. I would love a date night once a week as Cam's job and Caroline's condition often can take a toll on everyday life as tasks become burdensome and cumbersome as she does not walk. Please pray for my daily strength and care I give to my girls. I want to portray Christ's love and actions even on the weary days.Just wanted to update family and friends on our ideas and goals for Caroline in the coming days.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Summer is off with a bang

We have already had a lot of fun since school has been out. My favorite part is that I am not rushing my kids out the door and I can enjoy them in the morning along with my cup of coffee. Caroline is really funny when she wakes up and wants you to come get her out of her bed. She says Hi and Up and Help and mommy until you come. we are only doing private pt this summer. Caroline will also attend a three week special needs program at the public school and she will receive speech, pt, and ot. Our two new goals are potty training and standing!
Her speech is coming along some of her new words are go and car almost everyday...she seems to be bored of she is stuck at home all day!!!! This week it was "malmart" and "mummy!!!" That is for walmart and money. She is making lots of connections and this makes my heart happy.
Yesterday I took Carley bowling and to lunch while Caroline stayed with Miss Catheleen.
We have been to Orlando for a few days with friends at a condo. We swam and played and had alot of fun too!!!Carley tried the trampoline attached to a bungy and rode the big water slide multiple times with her friend Merci.
We also have official library cards ...I can't believe it has taken me this long for them to get books and free mid movies....they had a ball. today we are running a few errands, but the wild fires and smoke are bad enough to keep us indoors.
Today is also our eleventh anniversary!!!! Happy Anniversary Husband!!!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Tummy Bug

So Just when we thought we were settling in....Cameron stated with a terrible horrible virus that ended after three days and a trip to ER for dehydration. He just returned to work today. I tried to totally sanitize the house hoping for the best....that we would all dodge the bullet, but alas we all ended up with a touch of it compared to Cameron. Caroline and Carley are still recovering and I just have a stomach that flops today. It seems the best thing to do is sleep many many hours consecutively to feel any ounce of energy. Carley had a three hour nap today. I had no nap. And Caroline had a two hour nap nearly after waking this morning. The hardest thing for me is to not see her cheerful smile. It is also hard to tell if she is tired from her new medication or from being sick with two viruses back to back. I am not looking forward to the numerous bills we will receive from each department and x - ray and radiologist involved. On the other hand our nurses and doctors were wonderful and did everything in a timely manner and really listened to me concerning Caroline's medical history and health concerns. We also found out we have a small hospital indemnity plan from Cam's work that will help pay a percent of days spent in hospital. Thanks be to God for always faithfully providing our needs. We have two groups of people who have really become God's hands and feet in our lives. Our SS class provided meals until I denied them at the onset of tummy virus. Then We had three friends make trips to the store to get cleaning supplies. food, snacks, gatorade, and meds. We feel loved and cared for down to every detail. Thank you special friends!!!!! We also have been blessed by our small group and friends made at Mandarin Presbyterian and Great Banquet Community!

Friday, March 25, 2011

More Seizures

I am disappointed to say the least....not in Caroline, but this virus and her sickness that has overcome our lives this week. It is ugly and heart wrenching. I am tired. I want us to continue in our old normal. I never anticipated this because I did not know how I would feel or how it could change us. I am fearful. I am loved and encouraged by the body of Christ! I am sad. Please pray for our family as it affects us all in different ways. Please pray that I will be able to allow me to trust people to help me with Caroline and my needs for relief.
I want her to walk and talk and laugh and be seizure free....those are my big desires for her little life. Caroline has been sick for a week now with a respiratory virus that has seemed to bring this on. we have been to two docs and ER and we may have to admit her for EEG and observation and blood panels since she is not recovering well. The seizures are becoming more frequent.
we do not want seizure meds unless absolutely necessary. Please pray for direction and wisdom.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Spring Days

It is amazing how much our lives seem to depend on technology. We have been without a computer for two weeks and I feel lost without checking all the fun design blogs and mommy blogs. I also wanted to swnd an update here on Caroline. She is talking and starting to say two word phrases which is always music to our ears!!!! We have had several school meetings and so far I have decided ontwo things. She will be moved to the three year old class next year at Fruit Cove her private school. She will also attend summer school this summer for three weeks at her special needs school and have therapy and nap there while I am able to spend sometime with Carley and do her swim lessons, etc....I am leaning on pulling her from fall ESE next year and only having her receive free therapy there because she has not gained much from the whole environment. I lack one more meeting for next years plans.
Cameron and I were able to get away and spend much needed quality time with one another and our dear friends. My mom and dad graciously took care of my kids for four days. I am looking forward to next weeks visit from my college roommate. It will be so much fun!!!!!
We are really enjoying the spring weather here in Fl. Carley and I have been able to do some container gardeing in our back yard with cone flowers, sunflowers, and purple petunias. We hope our seeds sprout soon!!!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Genetics Visit 2011

We seem to have scheduled ourselves full this week. Caroline has only three specialist and two of her yearly visits fell this week. We will visit Ortho next month as well as the dentist. Today we spent almost an hour with Dr.Percyk. He is very patient and kind. It was exciting to see Caroline interact and talk to him although it has been 14 months since our last visit. We were able to view Her brain scan form a year ago and discuss new developments. She has lots of room for growth and some wide ventricles that are not completely shaped as ours....but he expressed the areas of damage are somewhat repairable with time and if she continues to progress she could regain 60- 80% of the damaged areas. Making connections and spurring her on to new things is encouraged.
yesterday we went to the ENT and things are good from a hearing perspective. She does have a cold and possible ear infection. I have a script in case we need it.
Caroline has been out of school all week and will return to her pre-school tomorrow. I also have and ESE meeting to get her accepted into speech and language services at her special needs school. I have decided I want her to only attend her private school next year and receive services within our neighborhood school. This will save me time and gas money. More importantly my peace of mind. Caroline does not seem completely happy at her other school. One day she will have to be there....but next year it is still my right to send her to a private school and receive therapies at no cost through the school system. So I think two more meetings to convey my thoughts. Pray that this will be a reality and bring us comfort.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Oh Wow! I seriously do not know how I am supposed to know and learn all these crazy rules and procedures of a special needs school. I have three things to determine and pray about:

1. If Caroline will continue as public school next year or only receive services there.
2. If I can apply and get her moved to Saint John's county so she can have both schools near.
3. And if she may receive language services in our neighborhood school.

I had a meeting yesterday with the speech pathologist, site coordinator, and classroom teacher concerning several things for Caroline. Her IEP goals are not appropriate so they will need to be changed...she is not receiving language services and I want her to be....and I just do not want her at that school until she legally has to be. But I cannot have my cake and eat it too.

If I get her approved for Saint Johns she may could receive therapy at her private school and have an ESE teacher check on her progress, but this is a dream and a shot in the more frustration and thinking!!!!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

More on couponing

Just wanted to share more information on couponing. We have another site we like and have read entirely. You may have seen this cute mom on TLC and the Nate Show. She has great ideas and tips.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sick.....but better!

So it did not end with strep in our house. I ended up with swine strange. I did get my flu shot as well as the girls. Cam was also we are on antibiotics and finally revived. T0morrow should be a great day!!!! Caroline managed to stay well - it is only by the grace of GOD! We are so behind on household things.
Cameron and I finally listed a year of ebay things in our stash. I will be making another Goodwill trip tomorrow and still not finished cleaning out the scrapbook room! I still have my beautiful nativity scene up and about to take it down after this post. I love my willow tree things!
We did not get to see Nana and Papa this weekend, but I think they will be able to make it next weekend. Cam is at the store again this week. he finally has figured out the coupon game and we are saving money after four weeks of saving all flyers and finding all coupons we can. We basically use only one site because it is the best and saves money and tells you where to print out exact sale coupons. We are ready for spring weather and are looking forward to seeing some old friends and family this spring!
We have also noticed a considerable difference in our trash cans by the end of the week they are not full due to our recycling bin!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Thankfully Caroline is well. Carley went back to school, but Cam and I are under the weather. I think bronchitis and sinus infection. Cam went to the doctor and I think I will go tomorrow. So it is an interesting week on our house cleaning and trying to decide which places to go and not go. I am just worn out and want to sleep for days. Thank God my mom is here to help. I just feel badly we have not spent anytime together!!!!

Monday, January 24, 2011


I am warning you that this post is random. Carley has been sick and we thought a virus. She had a high fever and has not eaten in three days. She stayed home today and after a trip to the doctor we have strep. I have cleaned and sanitized for days trying for no one else to get this. We even threw away toothbrushes. This weekend I was able to crop and catch up with a friend. Last night Cam and I enjoyed our study and couples group. Today I am enjoying my mom's company and help with the girls. She is here for a visit and we thought a birthday lunch. We have changed directions since sweet Carley is sick. We will enjoy time together at home.
Next weekend the girls will get to see their Nana and Papa from Greenville and have some birthday time for Nana.I was able to run a few errands today and got a lot accomplished for this week. I am also thankful Cameron has decided to be the grocery shopper for a while. He is embarking on an extreme couponing adventure. He literally has spent 6-8 hours researching and couponing and I think we have it figured out. The down side is we do not have stores that double or triple coupons in our area!!!! And the site we like best is www.
Hope you enjoy saving money as much as we do!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Ten Things.......

Ten things about me:

1. My favorite at home hair color is Revlon Color Silk and I use it every 8 weeks.

2. I am a complete Starbucks junkie and used to go five times a week.

3. I hate clutter and still am trying to declutter my house.

4. I love reading other mommy blogs and home design blogs.

5. We have started recycling our garbage.

6. I love Arm and Hammer laundry detergent especially with Oxy Clean.

7. I used to love Pampers diapers, but they aren't working anymore. We are now using Huggies Little movers.

8. I do not like breakfast and do not co0k breakfast foods well.

9. I am very social and need a handful of sweet friends to be apart of my life.

10. I wash and dry one load of laundry of day.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


The most precious thing is to hear Caroline talk in her bed every morning over the monitor.
It is usually things like: mommy, daddy, up and uh - oh! Today she said back to me, OH, NO!!! She had wet her whole bed and was soaked. She is funny!!! Our friends watched the girls last night and Caroline found a Wii game with head and shoulders, knees and Toes.....we can not get it off her mind!!!! But I am thrilled that she is so aware of what her family members are doing and how interactive she is with us and our everyday life. I am ever so grateful for dear friends who are able to help watch my children!!!!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Field trip

I was invited as a chaperone to go on Carley's field trip yesterday to Build a Bear. It was nice to have a change of pace and do something different. It was also exhilarating to know I could go while Caroline had care. We rode the bus and even had seat belts. It has been a while since I have been on a bus. It is also one of my largest fears about letting my girls ride on a school bus. We had a wonderful driver who spoke about bus safety and why we stop on rail road tracks as a safety precaution.
Carley enjoyed are one on one time together and we picked Caroline up at her school after nap. Cam has been working crazy hours as he is orchestrating the building project and office move this week. He may even work today. We were hoping to go to the new Latitude Thirty today. It is a new facility with games and bowling and food and a theater. We thought it would be fun to do something together as a family. Hope all of my blogging friends have a safe and happy weekend.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


So why do I always feel the need for new changes in a NEW YEAR?
I guess it is a good way to welcome in another year in our lives. I guess somethings we have decided to start doing can be viewed as resolutions. I'd like to think of them as permanent changes:
1. We are reducing clutter. We have shredded old papers and reorganized our office files while searching for tax papers! I am also reducing paper memories and clutter in my scrapbook room.
2. We have decided to take small steps to recycling and reducing our amount of trash we create on a daily basis. We are eating more leftovers rather than tossing things. We are also filling up a blue recycle bucket in our laundry room for plastic cartons, glass, and newspaper.
3. Couponing to cut our grocery bill - any comments welcome on this matter. We are starting to read sales and hold onto coupons and date them and following this month. Cameron is really spear heading this and I am all too excited to not be the only grocery shopper in this month of January!
4. Redo ....this hopefully will only take thirty days, but I think more...I need to take pictures of all of this to make it real to you!!!! I am redoing the scrapbook room which is really the art room since I hardly scrapbook right now. I want it to reflect my style and allow me to share it with the girls. It has become a book room for Caroline and an art room for Carley. So I want to paint and redecorate and organize it so we can spend time in their without feeling overwhelmed!
5. And reducing our weight....Cameron, Caroline and I are all eating to lose, while Carley on the other hand just needs to eat something!!!!!
Happy New You!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Excited!!!! Welcome 2011

I have missed blogging so much, but just now feel able to be relaxed and organized enough to return. So much has happened since this summer. We are grateful for a new year and healthy happy children and a stable job in such unpredictable times.
Cam is still very busy at work, but we have really been able to spend some family time together during the Christmas season. He always loves Christmas and decorating the house with lights. I always look forward to dinner, cookies, and coffee with friends. We were able to spend Thanksgiving in Greenville with our cousins and Nana and Papa. Carley celebrated her sixth birthday while we were there with an Olivia the pig celebration. It so fits her personality too! She is thriving in kindergarten and loves to create and read. We spent Christmas in Charleston with Aunt Kelly and Uncle M -a - t - t (as Caroline will say.) and Mimi and Papa. The girls enjoyed their time and were able to see some snow!
I just found out I can mobile blog from my smart phone. This is probably the largest reason why I have not blogged much this past year. I am learning to like Jax as much as I miss the Carolinas. Mostly I miss all my treasured friendships from Texas and North Carolina. God is faithful and has given me SEVERAL new friends and I praise Him for providing these friends that I crave and need for my soul.
Cam and I have also been able to be apart of a couples dinner group that meet once a month for prayer, study and dinner. We are all new friends and are really excited to see God's hand in this group as we attend different churches and our unity lies in Christ. This has become a great strength for us.
Updates on Caroline..... This has been a huge obstacle ands challenge for me to find peace with my new decisions about her school and therapy and daily life. I am now able to rest and rely on Him. But let me go back and describe my worry and fear and guilt. These things seems to exist with both my children, but more with Caroline. It is a difficult task to make so many life impacting decisions for this child. I can sometimes feel alone with not much input from other people and doctors as to what to do next. I have to think and decide things sometimes for a long period of time before I act. And sometimes feel numb do nothing until I know what to do. It is so unlike me as I am typically a very decisive person.
Caroline attends two schools up to four days a week. I love her private school and can not imagine life without these sweet people who truly love Caroline and never cause me to me second guess my self . She is in a regular two yr old pre-school room which warms my heart!!!She also has her own assistant in this room. She is able to eat with the kids and color with them at the table due to her Rifton chair. She can also say words instead of signing alone. It is amazing!!!Sometimes we get two words for simple commands and sentences!!!!
We also had to make a decision to change therapy centers due to insurance and Caroline's needs. We started with a new private therapist who is costly, but pushes me and Caroline to the next level physically!!! It is good, but a lot of commitment and work on my part. We are to do 50 min a day in our stander device to strengthen muscles and teach her weight bearing on her legs. We also now have a gait trainer to assist and help transition to walking with support. She goes in the walker, but does not like it and cannot move her body yet....we are hopeful and look for progress the next six months. She now has two sets of leg braces we use for supportive and assistive standing. She can apply her own pressure, but cannot fully stand without some support.
I find it difficult to exercise every day and enjoy being a mom and still interact and play with Carley and cook and clean. Some days are hard....some days are great and triumphant and some days are blah!!!!
We decided to send Caroline to part time ESE - special needs school at the public school. It is very hard for me because it is much more institutionalized than our sweet pre-school. I always know deep in my heart what Carley did and what Caroline is not able to do and it hurts and is disappointing. I want her to learn and grow and have the same opportunities as Carley. The truth is she will not....her opportunities will be different and not run on a time table.
I have had to let go of control of her meals and naps and what is happening or not happening at public school. I want it to be loving and encouraging and honestly it is just plain school with basic provision and some love mixed in....just makes my heart sink if this is the best that is offered for my dear child!!! She stays for nap twice a week and gets OT and PT on Mondays. She has experiences with the other children with needs, but she does not speak very much at this school and does not love it!!!! She does learn about other kids and assistive technology that she will also need. She eats lunch in a big kid cafeteria and sleeps on is so hard and different.
So pray for me as her mom that I am doing what is truly best for her. All in all I have had down time and have been able to exercise and attend a mom's study. Because I have not been able to do things like this in a few years. It is good. I promise to post more this New Year!!!!! Thanks for reading about us!!!!