
Thursday, February 28, 2008


Today we were released from our pulminologist here in Charlotte. He is a kind and gentle man. We are rejoicing that Caroline is not sick today - no cold and no ear infections! Thank God!!!!

New site

I gave the wrong address on the new site.

More information

Caroline continues to do well with her daily tasks. She is always happy and does not have all the burdens that I carry. She is here to teach me to be selfless and learn the true meaning of unconditioinal love. I am at another loss. When I start worrying and focusing too far ahead it can get scary and lonely for us. Caroline is eating baby food and cereal and seems to be handeling all veggies so far. We have had green beans, carrotts, sweet potates, and squash. I think it must be funny to not know what you are goingu to eat that day until it is in your mouth. No wonder she makes funny faces.
I have been fortunate to be in touch with another family who has a 24 year old son with Diploid Triploid Syndrome. She is a great mom and is full of wisdom and encouragement. Although it is hard to see what things Caroline and I may go through in the years that lie ahead, it is nice to have advice. The best thing is to have another human soul know my thoughts and feelings even though she has never met me.
You can read about David on a new site that his mom Julie created for Diploid Triploid families.
Here is the new site for all of us who hope to meet one day.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

2nd Speech Evaluation

Caroline is eating good and trying new baby foods. Mostly just likes to eat cereal and milk. I am ok with that, but feel like I need to keep pressing on. I was discouraged today, but I guess I really should not be. We will now have speech therapy along with physical therapy. So that means another day at home and another weekly time slot filled for us! We will start after our NYC trip. She siad Caroline needs to use a special spoon when feeding that is not as deep and that I need to let her eat slow. I need to not put the spoon in her mouth and scrape toward the roof. I do not know these things, so her low tone is also affecting speech development of sounds and eating effectively. So we are going to start early with all of this. I thought we would have waited until she was 1. I hope it is helpful and not frustrating to me. I am overwhelmed to add things at this point when I thought we were subtracting things from our busy days. No offers yet.....Caroline is around 11 pounds!!!!

Sunday, February 17, 2008


We had a fun weekend at home. Cameron and I got away for dinner and a movie on Sat. Carley is doing well with peeing in the potty and trying to behave a bit better while missing daddy. Caroline will have a speech evaluation on Tues. and physical therapy on Wed. No other doctors appt. - yeah! She is liking cereal and sweet potatoes so far. I can not believe she is 7 months old - if you saw her she sure does not look it! Today we went to Jump and Play bounce houses for Carley and Cameron while Caroline and I watched. It is pretty fun!!! No offers yet!!!!! No lookers in 10 days. Pray for a quick house sale!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Well - it seems to be one small thing after another! Caroline has bronchitis. Monday we had two dr appt back to back and a cancelled house showing - not a good day! Our appointments took two hours each. We went to the pulminologist for a re check and to the eye doctor for a re check. We are all clear at the eye doctor so that is good to know!
Caroline is now having two breathing treatments twice a day with the nebulizer and two different meds. She is also still taking her antibiotic. We will go back to the pediatrician Friday to check ears adn Thursday to get her RSV shot. It has been a week filled with appointments. I look forward to a life without doctors appointments. To top it all off - I was sick yesterday with a stomach bug or food poisioning - I laid around all day and prayed the girls would not get it. Carley did a great job helping and entertaining herself ! I am feeling better today and trying to get the house ready to show again. Pray for buyers soon!!!!
Today Caroline had PT - it went great she is stablilizing her head well and balancing too! We are starting to feel back muscles and abdominal muscles move. Her shoulders are still very weak this is needed for crawling and for sitting up. I will keep you all posted in our crazy lives!
Thanks for all the comments it helps me to keep keeping on!!!!!