
Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Carley is home sick today. I think we have been sick and thought it was just allergies and then a cold. She is fever free today. we went to the dr. yesterday and now have 4 medicines to take. She has walking pneumonia, cold, and enlarged tonsils. we are on an antibiotic and breathing treatments 3x a day. She will be checked again tomorrow to see if she is breathing better. I can tell her coughing has already improved. Caroline is well - praise the Lord!!! She has pre-op appointment tomorrow before her MRI. Cameron and I are all well today too!!!!! I am rested. We are staying home all week...Carley will not go back to school until Monday. So we are getting caught up around here and having a little fun. We all ate a hot lunch today. Carolin had a good nap at home in her crib - what a novel idea!!!! I even have dinner cooking in the crock pot. Stay at home days are wonderful!!!!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Corn Maze in Hilliard/ Dedication/ Auburn

Oct. 3
We finally found a pumpkin patch in Florida. We went to Hilliard, Florida which is an hour outside of Jacksonville, but it was worth it. The girls had fun playing in the corn box, walking the corn maze, eating homemade ice cream, and pumping water from an old well pump. We walked around the farm and played and took pictures. We had a fun time despite the heat. Caroline really enjoyed touching the pumpkins. She kept signing ball!!!! I need to find out what pumpkin is in sign!
Sunday Oct. 11th was our fourth and successful attempt to dedicate Caroline. We all know this child has been prayed over and dedicated many times, but we were very happy she was not sick and that she was able to have both of her grandparents sitting on he front row at church while she laughed and smiled back at them. It was a heart warming moment for me. Any time we are able to participate in normal events or things we were able to do for Carley it is a comfort to me.
Caroline is very blessed to have her Nana, Papa Abbott, Mimi, and Papa Frank who are all willing to travel and participate in Caroline's life. We are blessed.
Oct. 17
We traveled to Auburn Alabama for the game. It was a fun time, but COLD. Carley enjoyed eating cotton candy and hot dogs with her cousins and wearing her Auburn bows and tattoos on her face. We also got to eat breakfast and lunch with some old friends. Caroline stayed with Mimi and Papa. She is well this week and needs to stay well. She has an MRI scheduled on Nov.2 to get a look at her brain development and any possible seizure activity. We are hoping for positive results. Carley has a low grade fever for the second time this week. We are trying to get into the doctor and it has been a challenge with traveling and thinking it may be just a cold. SO we are all home today and may be taking a trip to the doctor before the day is done. We have been busy and have more pics to post. But I will be back on Nov. 2 after her MRI. Please pray for a safe procedure as Caroline will have to be put to sleep.

Sunday, October 4, 2009