
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Merry Christmas!!!!

It certainly has been a busy season for our family. Since November we have been on the move! Cameron started a new job here in Jacksonville at a local law firm and is enjoying it though it keeps him busy and away from home. we celebrated Carley's fifth birthday the weekend after Thanksgiving and then onto other Christmas festivities at church and school. We went to Tampa last weekend to see Santa and Mimi and Papa. It was a fun time and the girls are gearing up for Christmas in Greenville with Nana and Papa at the end of this week. We are looking forward to cooler weather and visiting with cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandmas!!!!!we will probably eat and open a few gifts and play!!!!I hope it snows just one day while we are away. Caroline and Carley are both healthy this week and we should be able to stay away from the doctor at least until January. Caroline has started to nod yes and answer our yes questions. it is comical at times. She also will say a yah!!!!to go along with it if it strikes her. She is a joy and still pleasant most of the time. Carley is very independent and loves our attention. She is five and loves Olivia the pig character and has imaginary friends from the show. She openly tells us they are imaginary which cracks me up. She also is quite the artist and pretty much only desires to create and improvise with all her toys. I am thankful for God's provision in our lives even if it is not what I would have chosen. We are here and learning to make friends and memories here. Cameron has a stable job and we are healthy and have a lot to remember and reflect on as another year comes to a close. May you and your family experience HIS true PEACE and blessing on your life.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

SICK girl

Poor baby!!! Doc on Monday just a regular old bronchitis and low grade fever....I thought not. She sounded and acted too sick. So after two more days I decided to go back. She was worse. Double ear infections. RSV. So She is on treatments every four hours and a new antibiotic and I hope better Please pray Caroline gets well quick...these respiratory infections and viruses are a serious matter in these mosaic babies. Please pray her lungs clear and that theses meds work!!!
All thanks be to God our ultimate healer and sustainer in our time of need.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Grateful Hearts - MRI

It is time to post and time to reflect on all God continues to do. I am amazed by His Love and guidance and constant provision even when I think things might be better another way.
Currently, Caroline is very sick with bronchitis and we are doing breathing treatments around the clock.. I have never seen her this congested or crabby and I guess if the medicine is not working back to Dr. Mary we will go!!!! I hope she gets to feeling better soon.
We had a very nice Thanksgiving at home with my sister and brother in - law and Mimi and Papa. The food was delicious even though I did not really contribute between caring for Carley and Caroline. I decided to set the table and clean up. I did go shopping for all of the yummy things and cleaned my home, but did not contribute to the great feast too much.......But I am truly grateful for my family and our health that we should not take for granted one single day.
I always want to let you all that read our blog occasionally about what goes on and how God continues to work.
Cameron has a new job and it is here in Jacksonville. He is the executive director of a law firm. He loves it and it came at a great time. With the ever changing economy things really slowed down at his last job. I say this came out of the blue, but the Lord orchestrated the timing. Caroline will lose her services in July for all therapy. We will be financially responsible with only 20 visits approved with the new insurance for her therapy. That covers only five months of her therapy out of the calendar year with a co -pay. After the five months we will may more than a co-pay. So the new job will allow us to keep up with Caroline's doctors and therapy even though the insurance coverage is not superb. The new company pays our family premium which in turn will allow us to cover therapy and doctor visits. It is always scary for me to change insurances since I work at home. I hope for good coverage and for the likelihood to not have to change doctors for Caroline's sake. It is like starting over if you have to do that. So at least we know what is for casted and how to prepare for her needs. The new insurance is also the same health care company we currently have!!!!!It is no accident and a blessing!!!!
Cameron works longer hours and is very busy, but we get no middle of the night phone calls anymore and he never has to go in on a Saturday or a Sunday.
MRI report
We had an MRI a month ago and i am just now posting details.
in a nut shell her scans were clear and easy to read. She has no current seizure activity, but large ventricles for her age and this signifies an immature brain. She has scarring on her frontal lobes both left and right. This is not a shock to me because I know form our other mosaic families that these kiddos brain are not like ours. Her scarring indicates possible apraxia and delayed verbal speech. Maybe somewhere around that of an 8 month old in verbalization, but not understanding!!!!! Physically she is greatly handicapped in walking, crawling, and pulling up, but mentally in other areas she is at an 18 month old in most of her development. She is able to verbalize about 5 words now and can sign and recognize 25 signs. The geneticist said to do as much signing as possible. She is able to communicate with us most of the time and is able to understand and comprehend things. There are different areas of the brain that work to use signing, mirroring, and verbalizing!!!!! She loves books and wants to be read to all day long!!!!!!
The scarring in her scan can be from a loss of oxygen in utero or just a part of her genetic syndrome. we will never really know, but that does not change God's plan or power to work in Caroline's life. We love each and everyone of you and wanted to bring you up to speed in our fun adventure filled lives. May you be filled with His peace this season!!!!!!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Weekend Warrior "The adventures Begin"

The adventures have begun as a weekend warrior with the kids. Kim is away from Thursday night through this weekend and I am playing with the kids.
Today was my last day at Ameri-Force and I made it my last day today so that I could have Friday off to be with the kids while kim was away at a womens retreat. I start my new job on Monday.

The adventures have already begun with kids.
Kim left the house tonight at around 6pm. I was running late getting home because I went and got my hair cut.

So unfortunatly we did not have much time to prep before kim headed out the door.

It was ok though because I am a professional at this. She also left me many lists

I have to tell you this staying at home thing is much harder than it looks.

Tonights activities.
Eat dinner, brush teeth, get ready for bed, give caroline her breathing treatment, give carley a drink, read caroline a bedtime story, lay caroline down for bed,
Then color with carley, off then she helped me pick up the toys, and it was brush teeth time, read a story and time for lights out.

After all that I had a kitchen full of dirty dishes, wet clothes in the laundry, towels that had been folded that needed to be put away, toys in the living room, and a dog that needed to be fed.

Holy moley. This is nuts how do people do this. I have so much respect for kim.
She is an amazing wife and does a great job to get all of these things done without complaining.

I am sure I will have many funny stories over the next few days...

Stay tuned....

I survived the first night and it now 11:28 pm and I am just sitting down.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Caroline's MRI and PT

Caroline had an MRI at Wolfson Children's hospital here in Jacksonville. We waited for three hours, but insurance covered her procedure and we were able to sedate her without a needle and anesthesia. She did great. Waking up from an oral med took longer, but was better for her. She was asleep during the MRI and it went fast. I think only 25-30 minutes. She is always good at hospitals and with the medical staff. We should have results 1-2 weeks . We will need to meet with the geneticist to read the MRI.
We greatly appreciate your prayers and thoughtfulness as we continue on this journey with Caroline. God has really provided for us and her care the whole time we have been in Florida even during the unknown times. We look to Him as the author and finisher of our faith in good times and bad. We give Him all the glory in our lives.
Today at PT Caroline worked really hard. We were able to support her enough to get her into a crawling position and she could rock on her knees and arms while we supported that heavy head!!! I always tell her that she has a lot going on in her head and that is why it is heavy for her to hold up. What joy to her her hum and attempt to sing her letters to the abc tune as well as Row, Row, your boat.... She is able to vocalize a few words clearly: Pablo, Papa, Mama, Dada, and up. She signs occasionally when she finds it necessary!!!!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Carley is home sick today. I think we have been sick and thought it was just allergies and then a cold. She is fever free today. we went to the dr. yesterday and now have 4 medicines to take. She has walking pneumonia, cold, and enlarged tonsils. we are on an antibiotic and breathing treatments 3x a day. She will be checked again tomorrow to see if she is breathing better. I can tell her coughing has already improved. Caroline is well - praise the Lord!!! She has pre-op appointment tomorrow before her MRI. Cameron and I are all well today too!!!!! I am rested. We are staying home all week...Carley will not go back to school until Monday. So we are getting caught up around here and having a little fun. We all ate a hot lunch today. Carolin had a good nap at home in her crib - what a novel idea!!!! I even have dinner cooking in the crock pot. Stay at home days are wonderful!!!!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Corn Maze in Hilliard/ Dedication/ Auburn

Oct. 3
We finally found a pumpkin patch in Florida. We went to Hilliard, Florida which is an hour outside of Jacksonville, but it was worth it. The girls had fun playing in the corn box, walking the corn maze, eating homemade ice cream, and pumping water from an old well pump. We walked around the farm and played and took pictures. We had a fun time despite the heat. Caroline really enjoyed touching the pumpkins. She kept signing ball!!!! I need to find out what pumpkin is in sign!
Sunday Oct. 11th was our fourth and successful attempt to dedicate Caroline. We all know this child has been prayed over and dedicated many times, but we were very happy she was not sick and that she was able to have both of her grandparents sitting on he front row at church while she laughed and smiled back at them. It was a heart warming moment for me. Any time we are able to participate in normal events or things we were able to do for Carley it is a comfort to me.
Caroline is very blessed to have her Nana, Papa Abbott, Mimi, and Papa Frank who are all willing to travel and participate in Caroline's life. We are blessed.
Oct. 17
We traveled to Auburn Alabama for the game. It was a fun time, but COLD. Carley enjoyed eating cotton candy and hot dogs with her cousins and wearing her Auburn bows and tattoos on her face. We also got to eat breakfast and lunch with some old friends. Caroline stayed with Mimi and Papa. She is well this week and needs to stay well. She has an MRI scheduled on Nov.2 to get a look at her brain development and any possible seizure activity. We are hoping for positive results. Carley has a low grade fever for the second time this week. We are trying to get into the doctor and it has been a challenge with traveling and thinking it may be just a cold. SO we are all home today and may be taking a trip to the doctor before the day is done. We have been busy and have more pics to post. But I will be back on Nov. 2 after her MRI. Please pray for a safe procedure as Caroline will have to be put to sleep.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Mom Day - Happy Fall

Today I spent most of the day running errands and how I enjoyed going all five places kid free. It was great to get so much done and now I can relax the rest of the week. Caroline had her second day today at MMO. She always seems to eat her lunch and is very tired after a full day at school. Carley has pre-k from 9:30 - 1pm and Caroline has MMO on Wed. from 9:30 - 1pm. I am forever grateful for such a loving and safe environment for both of my girls. Carley is looking forward to her cooking project tomorrow. They have a recipe every Thursday. I am going to be able to hep in her room three times this year now that Caroline has a spot to be once a week.
we are looking forward to fall here in Florida. Although that means the weather is still HOT here we remember all of our other fall traditions that we try to carry with us here. I made a cute center piece today for the kitchen and bought a fun pumpkin candle. Cameron and I are heading up a fall block party for the kids in our cul-de-sac and around on the 31st. Saturday Cameron and I are going to a concert while Mimi and Papa keep the girls. Should be fun.
Last weekend was a lot of fun. we traveled to SC with the girls and Lucy for Carter and Cody's birthday party at Pump it up. And to see our Nana and Papa too!it was nice to get away and pretend we lived near cooler weather for a short stint. Carley and Cody played the whole weekend and got along great!!! Lucy travels well and enjoyed the cooler air too. Caroline went down the slide at Pump it up with Cameron 3x. We will have to post the cute pics later.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Chick-Fil-A Free Sandwich Giveaway

Tonight we had dinner at Chick-Fil-A. If you dressed in "Team" gear they gave you a free sandwich. We all dressed in our Auburn clothes and had a great dinner. The Chick-Fil-A was packed....

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Mulch Project and Icecream Cones

Labor day Weekend

Nice day. Cool weather for Florida this am. Cam and I spread mulch in all the front beds of the house today. Caroline is doing well. We have a new speech therapist who is very loving and patient. We have had 4 sessions so far. Caroline can now say the "p" sound and is working more consistently toward the "b" sound and babbling intentionally. The hardest part is handling her frustration and knowing she wants to talk and move. she does not mind the stander and is up to 20minutes. She still needs her naps and rest although she is becoming a fighter and is trying to take one nap and goes to bed by 7:30 some nights these days and is up by 6am some days.
She will start her MMO class on Wed at our church. I am excited and now she will be loved and cared for and enjoy being at pre - school. She is going to have 6 teachers and only 6 kids in her class. It is amazing how God has supplied my needs, as a parent with concerns, through the details at our home church. Carley loves being at school and church and seems to be excited about Mrs. Kerry. She gave them root beer floats on orientation day - who would not be excited about that at school? We are having a relaxing weekend and look forward to being home one more day this weekend. Caroline is also learning how to eat with her spoon, but would much rather use her hands.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Caroline is doing fine. We did go back to the surgeon. he said some of these do get blisters and bubbles and should heal fine. Very interesting!!! So we shoudl be good. Carley and Caroline will stat school in Sept. Carley had to get two shots yesterday and did great after screaming and telling the nurses, "Those hurt!!! I do not like shots!!!!" Silly mommy. I gave her motrin before we left and numbing cream. I am not sure it really worked, but I tried. We have Occupational Therapy today for an hour and a trip to the post office is all we have on our plate today. Yeah!!!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Please pray for Caroline. We are leaving to go out of town and her scar on her belly is not healing appropriately. Dr is out of office of course!!! We leave this afternoon. I am going to Women of Faith adn so excited, but want Caroline's tummy to be better. Mimi is keeping the girls this weekend. Her scab is very thick and keeps falling off and returning, but not helaing.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Myrtle Beach

We went on vacation last week to Myrtle Beach. It was a lot of fun to be at the beach and in the sand and sun with the kids. Carley is braver this year and wanted to swim all day every day in the waves and in the pool. Speaking of swimming....she is doing well with swimming on her own in 3-4 feet of water. Caroline did great under the umbrella and got a little tan with no burn!!!! she loved feeling the sand between her toes and wading in the wading pools. She also loved being with her cousins, aunt, uncle, and Nana and PAPA at the beach. She wanted to dance and sing like the rest of them we did alot of that at the beach as well as eating too much!!!!
Cameron and I are now exercising and eating way healthier.
I can not believe that summer is about over. Carley will be back in pre-school soon. Carley will join her at MMO on Wednesdays too! We will post new pics soon!
OH - And Caroline's legs are already some stronger since using her stander.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

In a nutshell

We have so much to post and even more pictures. We still want to post recital pictures and July 4th pictures. Life is coming at us fast. We leave for vacation next week. Just wanted to give a quick update on Caroline. She is doing well. Her speech progress is slower than I would like. She gets easily frustrated at times and wants to do so much like everyone else. On the other hand has come far this past year. She is able to vocalize about 4 words clearly. She does jabber and babble now. She recognizes many signs about up to 15-20. She has the understanding and ability to sign 10- 12 signs, but does not seem to initiate them on her own. She will sign when I say the word. To see her sign book and cracker are precious!!! Her last OT evaluation said her age equivalent was on a 12 mo. scale. we are so very thankful for God's provision and keeping her healthy this year. We are blessed. She is doing fine with her stander and can stand 12 min about 3x a day right now. She thinks it is pretty neat to be as tall as Carley and to move around the house like she is walking is pretty cool too!!!! we try to make it fun and wheel her many places.
She gave up her bottles and now is on her cup full time. we are working on feeding with utensils and standing up with the stander. We have a new speech therapist that we will meet Friday. we are looking into some other therapies for Caroline's speech. I also look forward to meeting with the geneticist and getting our MRI on the way in the next few months.
Carley is doing well and loves to be at home playing, dogs, barbies, and anything art!!!!She has had a horrible stye for 6 weeks that they are telling me to leave absolutely alone after seeing 3 different doctors. We will see what happens. Carley loves to swim and we have to watch her because she has little fear right now since her swim lessons in June and July. We have had a busy summer and can not believe it is half way over.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Surgery Success

We are forever grateful for yet another successful procedure. Caroline recovered well with a little spunk and grumpiness. She was her usual self today and will have therapy this week as we try out the new stander. There is a small chance the area can become infected, but we will go back to remove stitches in two weeks. Thank you for all your continued support, encouragement and prayers.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Surgery today

Caroline has surgery at 8am to seal the hole where her tube is outpatient. Pray she handles the procedure well.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Never a dull moment

So much to share in too little time. We went away to Orlando and meet special friends from College. It was a great time. The girls got to swim twice in the pool and visit with Julie, Evan and Jackson. Then we met my mom in Orland and went home with her for a couple of days. we and lots of rain, but still a nice time. The girls both had fevers and touch of a bug. Caroline's tube site is not closing and not healing well. Carley has a horrible stye on her eye and it is not better. we rushed home last night to get to the doctor here. Alas! the pediatrician is closed today. The pediatric surgeon called back and 2:30 and scheduled surgery for Monday am for Caroline's tube closure. I will send pictures soon of the stander and of recital just have been really overwhelmed and busy.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Longer Days are here

Longer days are here as far as summer and daylight go, but Caroline will appear taller and longer too! Our stander was delivered today. I was very excited. It was assembled, but I have not been trained on how to use it yet. Next week the PT is going to show me how to adjust each piece. It is cute and has lots of pink. We had to put Caroline in it and take a picture. She smiled and seemed to like it. Carley calls it her "Pink Wall - E". I think this is very cute!!! I was thinking it sort of looked like a robot myself, but she took the words right from my mouth today when she told me " It looks like a robot mommy." She was as excited as i was for Caroline today which made my heart smile. I really do think she loves Caroline even though it has been a long time coming. I will have Cam post pics soon.
Last weekend was a busy one!!!! It was Father's day and Carley's first recital for ballet and tap.We were able to see both sets of grandparents. I know this made Carley feel super special and important. Nana and Papa Abbott came from SC for a long weekend. We went to the pool to show off Carley's new swimming skills too. Nana found time to garden and spruce up the backyard too!!!! Carley was very pretty all dressed for her recital. She got up on stage and looked for us and waved and smiled pretty much during both of her performances. She did a few dance moves, but looked like she was having a ball. It was a great experience for the both of us. She is such a big girl and a big helper lately. She told me she wants to take a break from dance and try soccer next.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Double News Tuesday

This week is so much better than last week. God does know our needs and meets us where we are. Last week was quite stressful. I spent the day at Mayo on Friday. I met with a doctor and a radiologist. I had a repeat mammogram and ultrasound and they were confident that what I was feeling was normal breast tissue. The first mammogram showed possible distortion on film in my right breast. They explained that all breasts are not equal in size and in what we may be feeling. So I was given a clean slate and do not have to return until I am forty unless I find something sooner.
Yesterday we received a call from the director of Early Steps. She said after reading our paperwork she thought part C funds should cover all of it. Because of her and our service coordinator it will be provided for us at no cost. The stander is a grow with me stander and will last for 5 years if we need it !!!! Praise the Lord!!! We are hoping to have it in about two weeks. Caroline seems to be ready to move to the next level with assistance in standing. She will also be able to see things from a new perspective.
We are now working on getting the column repaired that I backed into last Tuesday. My dad may fix it, but we are also getting a few quotes this week.
Thank you God for still being God and providing and reminding us you are always in total control even when we are weak!!!!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Going to Mayo tomorrow

I went to my OB she was pretty sure things were fine according to her report. I asked if she looked at my films and she said no we do not get your films. I said oh. I was hoping for someone to show them to me and explain differences and what we are really looking at. I am so used to all Caroline's docs doing this as a routine thing. So after talking to Cameron and two other ladies whose cancer was not detected by mammograms at 35 I am going to get a second opinion before I stop worrying altogether.
So Alas!!!! Mayo called me last night and this am and said they could bump me from July 2 to tomorrow if I can swing by the imaging center tomorrow and hand deliver my films. So pray for a clear confirmation. Cameron will keep the girls for me tomorrow am for a few hours while I talk to Dr. Hines at the breast clinic tomorrow at 10am. I appreciate your prayers at this time.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Caroline is getting her g- tube out on June 19 @ 2:30PM. Yeah!!! We are so excited!!!!!!!!!!!
She has developed a little bump behind her tummy and we hope it is only scar tissue. She will probably have an ultrasound before we remove it. So pray it is nothing major.

She has also been approved for Early Intervention to cover 1,500 of the cost of her stander device. We hope to receive this by July. We HOPE!!!! We have also reached our out of pocket family deductibles so our insurance is at 100% until March 1. All meds and appointments for all of us will free and covered by insurance. This is also a huge blessing!!!!!

The not so good news.... Had a bad day...yesterday. It involved me and a car and our house. I backed into one of our columns yesterday and it is damaged and will need to be repaired. Then went immediately to Caroline's Dr appt and straight to dance for Carley. No time to cry over spilt milk!!! Anyway I talked to my dad and he thinks he can fix it like new!!!
The car has hardly any damage so we will get it fixed or rather painted eventually.

I had a mammogram done two weeks ago. Got results last Wed. My left breast is fine. My right one is questionable. I will go to the OB today to discuss films and get them to send them to MAYO breast clinic. I also have an appointment for July 2 at the breast clinic to decide more testing or biopsy to make sure it is benign. Please pray that it is not cancerous. I know it is early and I am young, but I am overly stressed and do not think I can handle another surgery, appointments and a bad report. Anyway----- Looking forward to swimming lessons and dance being done. I really need to take a break and put everything on hold. For some reason I am not able to really do that. Mayo is trying to get me in sooner and asked me to overnight films today so I can possibly get in by this month. Just be in prayer for me to be peaceful, think clearly and take care of my family without a clouded mind.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Our Disney Trip over Memorial Day

Kim Turns 35 on June 3rd

I bought a birthday cake for Kim and we ate it with the kids tonight. Her birthday is actually tomorrow June 3rd but we ate cake tonight. I thought we had candles at the house so I did not buy them and we had to use matches for candles on her cake.

Caroline Eats Corn on the Cob

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A Mommy Moment

Today we met some friends at the town center and dropped into JoAnn Fabrics and then into Ross. While we were in Ross we were searching for birthday presents and fun finds. It was a quick 40 minute stop with two kids. I tried to enjoy myself, but they kept dropping books and asking how many we were buying. We actually did not buy any books. We were attempting to get back into the car with the baby in arms, Carley walking to her car seat across the van holding herself telling me I have to PEE!!!! We are still trying to get this all translated to I need to use the restroom. So I knew we were not going to make it anywhere to the restroom. We had the stroller in the parking lot. So I decided to strap Caroline in and discreetley as possible allow Carley to PEE in the parking lot. We removed panties and shoes and I got sprayed and used baby wipes and tried not to be annoyed as we still had to make it to Chick -fil-a for lunch. So by 12 noon I had had a full day indeed!!!!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Texas, Mother's Day and swimming

To say the least we are busy. But it is exciting that we will have a summer break from school and some early morning hustle. Our therapy schedule is ever changing. We will soon be adding a new OT appointment on Wed afternoon that we will drive to. Carley will have to go with to two therapies a week through the summer. Since we have just discovered a new swim school life will be good for us this summer so we can actually swim at the pool some. We are excited that Carley seems to like swimming after her first amazing lesson today. She went under multiple times and floated on her back and stomach and kicked her feet too! The Swimming Safari School is great with young children and pretty much play and instruct while singing. Caroline and I also get a perk. We are able to lounge and kick and exercise her little muscles in the hot tub adjacent to the big pool. So we are so thankful to have this worked out for both girls to benefit.
Cameron and I really enjoyed our time away in Texas. We were gone for five days and I enjoyed every minute of it during the day. We ate ate our favorite restaurants, spent time with our very good long time friends, and I got a facial and shopped at a few kids stores. I almost felt like I was home until I went to bed at night and missed my sweet girls. We miss our friendships and our church in Texas greatly and realize now we will never replace or duplicate the blessings and time God gave us there. It holds a significant place in our hearts as a newly married couple. We had great spiritual mentorship and true friendships that are hard to find.
Although it is hard we are very excited about the opportunities we are having here at our new church. The nursery continues to go above and beyond in keeping Caroline and trying to meet individual needs. They are excellent and allow for growth and really try to accommodate if something comes up. We are seeing our SS class grow and double since we moved here a year ago. We are slowly starting to establish and create new friendships as time passes. Cameron and I have been able to plan and coordinate some social events as well as substitute in Sunday School. We feel God is stretching us and allowing us to meet new people that need a church home and Christian support.
Sometimes you just have to stop and not get caught up in all life puts upon you. We had a very low key Mother's Day.(Our lives can be stressful as Cameron's job can be time consuming and just normal stresses of a stay at home mom of a preschooler and a little one with extra needs gets quite overwhelming.) I feel so responsible for therapy, health care, budgeting, teaching values, and nutritional choices seem to consume me in today's health oriented society. I have not had much time for posting, e-mailing, or keeping up with our calendar very well since I have had to really step back and take some time out for me. Since January things have just been much harder for me and I finally feel like I am overcoming my stress in stead of falling asleep at 9:30 with stress and thoughts overcoming me. I am exercising whenever I can and that usually is a walk which has done wonders - 30 min for now. I also am choosing to be more all natural in our food choices. I am thinking fat free and sugar free may not be all good. I think the farmers from long ago had it all right by truly living organic and working together. So maybe one day we will have a small garden and tend it together as a family, but today I am taking small steps. Be in prayer for my continued health and stamina for my family. I have a mammogram at Mayo clinic in two weeks, just to check fibroids at this time, but pray it is only fibroids and nothing more.
Back to Mother's Day, we ate sandwiches from a sub shop. We cooked steak on the grill for dinner. Saturday am Cam booked a massage for me at Massage Envy very early, but it was nice to relax. Our sweet friends that also moved here from Charlotte, Sarah and Dustin, watched our girls and took them to the pool while we spent some time together at the TCP golf tournament here in Ponte Vedra. We got a quick look at Tiger, melted in the 95 degree weather , walked at least 3 miles, and ate a delicious lunch in the benefactor tent. A good day.
One more update: We have no stander and it has not been ordered!!!!!
I have made two phone calls and still no answer, so I am going to have to turn this one over to Cam. He seems to get people's blood flowing better than me. Goodnight!!!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

As the world turns

We have posted lots of pictures and not much news. Caroline is cutting a new tooth and back to drinking from her sippy cups. She is not aspirating at all and we have decreased her milk and thinking about losing the bottle in the next month or so. We are also thinking of taking her mickey button out sooner than July. She is happy and healthy and not signing or speaking any new words, but do not want to complain about much.....
Carley is busy as always. Last week she told me that yellow was a boring color while she was coloring. She is funny!!!!Tomorrow I will be taking the girls to a birthday party in the morning. Mimi is here visiting and will be back next week while Cameron and I get away to Texas for a few days. We are so excited to get away and see a few good friends!!!!
I took my first teacher certification test on Saturday and will now continue to work on Infant Toddler Specialist paperwork. I should be finished with that in a few weeks too!

Sunday, April 12, 2009