
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

In a nutshell

We have so much to post and even more pictures. We still want to post recital pictures and July 4th pictures. Life is coming at us fast. We leave for vacation next week. Just wanted to give a quick update on Caroline. She is doing well. Her speech progress is slower than I would like. She gets easily frustrated at times and wants to do so much like everyone else. On the other hand has come far this past year. She is able to vocalize about 4 words clearly. She does jabber and babble now. She recognizes many signs about up to 15-20. She has the understanding and ability to sign 10- 12 signs, but does not seem to initiate them on her own. She will sign when I say the word. To see her sign book and cracker are precious!!! Her last OT evaluation said her age equivalent was on a 12 mo. scale. we are so very thankful for God's provision and keeping her healthy this year. We are blessed. She is doing fine with her stander and can stand 12 min about 3x a day right now. She thinks it is pretty neat to be as tall as Carley and to move around the house like she is walking is pretty cool too!!!! we try to make it fun and wheel her many places.
She gave up her bottles and now is on her cup full time. we are working on feeding with utensils and standing up with the stander. We have a new speech therapist that we will meet Friday. we are looking into some other therapies for Caroline's speech. I also look forward to meeting with the geneticist and getting our MRI on the way in the next few months.
Carley is doing well and loves to be at home playing, dogs, barbies, and anything art!!!!She has had a horrible stye for 6 weeks that they are telling me to leave absolutely alone after seeing 3 different doctors. We will see what happens. Carley loves to swim and we have to watch her because she has little fear right now since her swim lessons in June and July. We have had a busy summer and can not believe it is half way over.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Thanks for the updates on your precious family! I praise the Lord for the wonderful strides Caroline has made this year & know they will continue! Enjoy your vacation & the rest of summer! I know how you is coming so fast right now, I though we might enjoy a "slow-paced" summer, but no such luck, but it is fun none the less!