
Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Great title for physical therapy and potty training! Caroline is holding her head up more steadily and finishing all 70 cc bottles at one time now instead of taking breaks. She is also able to hold her head up from a flat position - this is great for us! We are looking forward to rolling over and putting pressure on elbows and hands next!
Carley and I have spent every day this week potty training - and I think she is actually getting it - she has had a few accidents, but knows how to make it to the potty too!


Kelly said...

YAY!!!! Sounds like you are having a good week! Pictures of Caroline please!!!!
Love you,

Peggy Cerny said...

I'm glad Caroline is progressing well - sounds like ya'll are handling everything like champs. Things will be even better when you can all be settled in St. Augustine together. Hang in there - look at how far Caroline has already come and look ahead to the neat life that can await you in Florida. As for potty training - patience, my dear, patience. I don't know anybody that thought that part of child raising was fun. Ya'll are always in my thought and prayers.

randommomma said...

I'm with Kelly! MORE PHOTOS, please!!! I'm continuing to pray for you & the girls & Cameron as you make this transition to Florida! You are both amazing people and I'm so proud of you!
Ah! The joys of potty training! I'll pray for extra grace & patience this week! :)
John-Mark's in his last semester of high school! So hard to believe! He's going to C-N in the fall! Dyl will be at the high school in the fall! Whoa!
Love you dearly!