
Monday, January 14, 2008

Eating Cereal

Wow! Caroline is 6 months now and making believers out of all of us!!! Her little smile brightens up my day. We are starting with 1 tsp. of rice cereal. She seems excited and laughs while she eats from a spoon. I am delighted to see her reaching these developmental markers. She seems to be digesting and swallowing fine. We rejoice in all of God's miracles and gifts in our lives.


Noelle said...

Caroline is such a precious baby! Tom and I wish we could be there and see her develop and progress, like we did with Carley. We are still praying and rejoicing with each milestone! We miss you guys so much! I am hoping to visit Charlotte at least one more time before you move. Lots of love!

Regan Family said...

She is so Sweeeet Caroliiiine!
Please post some more pics - and good luck with your house hunting!
