
Thursday, June 25, 2009

Longer Days are here

Longer days are here as far as summer and daylight go, but Caroline will appear taller and longer too! Our stander was delivered today. I was very excited. It was assembled, but I have not been trained on how to use it yet. Next week the PT is going to show me how to adjust each piece. It is cute and has lots of pink. We had to put Caroline in it and take a picture. She smiled and seemed to like it. Carley calls it her "Pink Wall - E". I think this is very cute!!! I was thinking it sort of looked like a robot myself, but she took the words right from my mouth today when she told me " It looks like a robot mommy." She was as excited as i was for Caroline today which made my heart smile. I really do think she loves Caroline even though it has been a long time coming. I will have Cam post pics soon.
Last weekend was a busy one!!!! It was Father's day and Carley's first recital for ballet and tap.We were able to see both sets of grandparents. I know this made Carley feel super special and important. Nana and Papa Abbott came from SC for a long weekend. We went to the pool to show off Carley's new swimming skills too. Nana found time to garden and spruce up the backyard too!!!! Carley was very pretty all dressed for her recital. She got up on stage and looked for us and waved and smiled pretty much during both of her performances. She did a few dance moves, but looked like she was having a ball. It was a great experience for the both of us. She is such a big girl and a big helper lately. She told me she wants to take a break from dance and try soccer next.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Double News Tuesday

This week is so much better than last week. God does know our needs and meets us where we are. Last week was quite stressful. I spent the day at Mayo on Friday. I met with a doctor and a radiologist. I had a repeat mammogram and ultrasound and they were confident that what I was feeling was normal breast tissue. The first mammogram showed possible distortion on film in my right breast. They explained that all breasts are not equal in size and in what we may be feeling. So I was given a clean slate and do not have to return until I am forty unless I find something sooner.
Yesterday we received a call from the director of Early Steps. She said after reading our paperwork she thought part C funds should cover all of it. Because of her and our service coordinator it will be provided for us at no cost. The stander is a grow with me stander and will last for 5 years if we need it !!!! Praise the Lord!!! We are hoping to have it in about two weeks. Caroline seems to be ready to move to the next level with assistance in standing. She will also be able to see things from a new perspective.
We are now working on getting the column repaired that I backed into last Tuesday. My dad may fix it, but we are also getting a few quotes this week.
Thank you God for still being God and providing and reminding us you are always in total control even when we are weak!!!!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Going to Mayo tomorrow

I went to my OB she was pretty sure things were fine according to her report. I asked if she looked at my films and she said no we do not get your films. I said oh. I was hoping for someone to show them to me and explain differences and what we are really looking at. I am so used to all Caroline's docs doing this as a routine thing. So after talking to Cameron and two other ladies whose cancer was not detected by mammograms at 35 I am going to get a second opinion before I stop worrying altogether.
So Alas!!!! Mayo called me last night and this am and said they could bump me from July 2 to tomorrow if I can swing by the imaging center tomorrow and hand deliver my films. So pray for a clear confirmation. Cameron will keep the girls for me tomorrow am for a few hours while I talk to Dr. Hines at the breast clinic tomorrow at 10am. I appreciate your prayers at this time.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Caroline is getting her g- tube out on June 19 @ 2:30PM. Yeah!!! We are so excited!!!!!!!!!!!
She has developed a little bump behind her tummy and we hope it is only scar tissue. She will probably have an ultrasound before we remove it. So pray it is nothing major.

She has also been approved for Early Intervention to cover 1,500 of the cost of her stander device. We hope to receive this by July. We HOPE!!!! We have also reached our out of pocket family deductibles so our insurance is at 100% until March 1. All meds and appointments for all of us will free and covered by insurance. This is also a huge blessing!!!!!

The not so good news.... Had a bad day...yesterday. It involved me and a car and our house. I backed into one of our columns yesterday and it is damaged and will need to be repaired. Then went immediately to Caroline's Dr appt and straight to dance for Carley. No time to cry over spilt milk!!! Anyway I talked to my dad and he thinks he can fix it like new!!!
The car has hardly any damage so we will get it fixed or rather painted eventually.

I had a mammogram done two weeks ago. Got results last Wed. My left breast is fine. My right one is questionable. I will go to the OB today to discuss films and get them to send them to MAYO breast clinic. I also have an appointment for July 2 at the breast clinic to decide more testing or biopsy to make sure it is benign. Please pray that it is not cancerous. I know it is early and I am young, but I am overly stressed and do not think I can handle another surgery, appointments and a bad report. Anyway----- Looking forward to swimming lessons and dance being done. I really need to take a break and put everything on hold. For some reason I am not able to really do that. Mayo is trying to get me in sooner and asked me to overnight films today so I can possibly get in by this month. Just be in prayer for me to be peaceful, think clearly and take care of my family without a clouded mind.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Our Disney Trip over Memorial Day

Kim Turns 35 on June 3rd

I bought a birthday cake for Kim and we ate it with the kids tonight. Her birthday is actually tomorrow June 3rd but we ate cake tonight. I thought we had candles at the house so I did not buy them and we had to use matches for candles on her cake.

Caroline Eats Corn on the Cob