
Friday, August 3, 2007

Who is burning the midnight oil?

Caroline has gained yet another ounce. Today she weighs in at 4.8. She is till sleeping and eating good. Yesterday she stayed awake nearly all day. Today she is playing catch up. However, I know many of you guys are still praying for her little body to develop and heal. Today she has kept her arms down and not folded into her body. This is a big step for me. She can move her hands and arms, but only does so when she feels like it. Please pray for her movements to be more fluid and for her body as it continues to grow. Thank you so much for the time that some of you have given to us through prayer support. We are going to Sanger Cardiology on Aug 23 for our Eco Cardiogram. We are also going to Morehead Imaging Ctr on Aug 9 for a hip ultrasound . Pray for healthy results in both of those appt.


randommomma said...

Kim & Cameron:
Thank you for continuing to update this blog. It's wonderful to know more specifics regarding Caroline and how we can best pray for all four of you! I'm thrilled to hear about her movements and sleep patterns! Please know how much you are loved! HUGS for ALL!

Unknown said...

It is so exciting to sit on the outside and see the progress and prayer answered! Hang in there. The best is yet to come.

Love, katie

kristin said...

I must admit that holding Sweet Caroline for a little while on Friday was the highlight of my day - followed closely by Carley saying, "It's a NEWT!" in her sweet, mischevious way. She's so precious! We're celebrating each milestone - each ounce gained - with you! Keep growing, Caroline!


Citadelpilot said...

Hey Kim and Cam! I'm so sorry...I lost the email with the blog link and just found it by googling:) I'm so inspired by your blog! You guys are so precious and such a blessing to all. And what beautiful babies you make!!!!!! Those girls are so darn cute! I can't wait to get my hands on little Caroline:) Sweet girl. Anyway, thank you for blessing me today. I love you guys and have thought of you so much over the past few weeks, I apologize for not letting you know that sooner. Kisses to those little ones.
Amy Fox

Elizabeth said...

Cameron and Kim,

We are praying for you two, for Carley and especially for sweet Caroline. Thank you for the blog, which helps us know what and how to pray. We look forward to the day when Caroline will be with friends and enjoying preschool on Sunday mornings!
Jared and Elizabeth Poplin

Unknown said...

Kim and Cameron,
We continue to pray for you guys. It is good to see that Caroline continues to make great progress. Our life group at church is also praying for you'all and Caroline.
We praise God for all the progress and continue to ask Him for his strength.
Carey, Nadalie, and Hayden

Unknown said...

Kim and Cameron,
We continue to pray for you guys. It is good to see that Caroline continues to make great progress. Our life group at church is also praying for you'all and Caroline.
We praise God for all the progress and continue to ask Him for his strength.
Carey, Nadalie, and Hayden