
Thursday, August 23, 2007

God's Grace is Sufficient

We are feeling ever so grateful for God's healing hand. We had our visit to the cardiologist today. Caroline had an EKG and an echo cardiogram as a follow up from her first cardiogram in NICU.
He said her lungs and heart were clear, but wanted to do the other test results. After a few minutes he came back to tell us the reason he could not hear anything is that both the PDA and VSD had completely closed in as little as four weeks. This is wonderful news and can take some babies 6 months to close up. From his standpoint her heart was strong and she would have no breathing problems or developmental problems. We give God the honor and the glory on our road of discovery with little Caroline. Please pray for continued weight gain - she is only 5.3 today. Thank you to our family and friends fro all the prayers, calls, and support. We love you all! I wish I could hug each of you tonight as we are able to sleep peacefully tonight in our own beds at home.


Jenn Jensen said...

Hey, now, 5 pounds isn't so small! ;) Caroline is such a doll. The new pictures are great. As I was looking at them again tonight, I looked a little more closely at the pic of Cam and the girls on the couch. Priceless!

And you're right -- our God is so good! Love you all,

Kelly said...

Dorothy said, "There's no place like home." It is true. Glad you are home and resting.
I admire your faith and patience. I keep telling everybody how graciously you are handling everything and taking it day by day! I admire you both. I can't wait to see the girls again!!!!
Send our love,
Aunt Kelly and Uncle Matt

Courtney said...

YEY!! So happy to hear your good news and to truly praise God alongside of you for His presence and His evident work! We miss you guys.

Peggy Cerny said...

That news is so great to hear. We couldn't be happier for you. Hugs and kisses to all. Your strength and faith are helping work wonders. And 5.3 ounces is a WHOLE POUND more than Caroline weighed at birth - quite an accomplishment, considering most babies lose weight in the days after birth. (Some more of that blue ice cream will help plump her up.) Your hearts and minds (and weary bodies) should surely rest easier after the good news of the last several days. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with all of you.

Amanda said...

Hey Abbott family! I got the birth announcement for Caroline today. I am so glad to see that she is making such great progress. She is just precious and looks like Kim! I'll have to come and see you soon. Tell everyone I said hi and send my love.

Love you all,