
Saturday, July 14, 2007

The Birth 7-12-07

At 10:41 pm Caroline Rae Abbott was born. She was breach and came out feet first. When the doctor pulled Caroline out we were all shocked!

Caroline weighed 4.2 Pounds.

As Kim was full term this was a shock to all of us! We were not expecting her to be that small. During the delivery Caroline's nurse practitioner came over to Kim and I and informed us there was a potential problem.

The nurse practitioner told us that there were some early indications of a chromosome defect. We were really taken back with this news. We had a wide range of emotions. We had just been so excited from the birth of our second daughter when all of a sudden things have drastically changed.

Now we were scared and worried wanting to know more. I was able to hold Caroline in the operating room for about 15 minutes and she was then taken off to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.

Caroline has remained in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit since Thursday night.

On Friday the neonatalogist came in to talk to Kim and I about her condition. We were informed that there were some early indications that Caroline had possible chromosome defects. Those indications were: a gap between here big toe and first toe on both feet, some mild spacing of her thumb and first finger, and her ears sitting lower on her head.

The doctor gave us the indicators that he thought were possible concerns, however he was unable to pinpoint a specific condition, or syndrome. The doctor has taken photos of Caroline and is reviewing those with a Geneticist at CMC Downtown.

They have also ordered Chromosome testing which we will not know the results until Monday 7-16-07 or as late at 2 weeks from now.

Caroline will remain in the hospital in the NICU until the following improve: Her weight increases, she eats on a regular basis, and she maintains a constant body temperature. Caroline could remain in the hospital for another week to 2 weeks, depending on how she does.

Caroline was moved from a warming crib Saturday morning to a normal crib this afternoon. Kim should be released from the hospital Sunday afternoon if all goes as planned.

Please pray for Caroline as that is all we have at this point.

The neonatologist told us this "God only gives special children to special people." That's what were holding on to....

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