
Monday, September 8, 2008

PT and Speech Update

Caroline is now sitting after positioning, but sitting on her own with very close supervision. It is very exciting for us!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are also doing speech twice a week now and experimenting with language, sign language and food textures. We are still working on identifying facial body parts. We have a new little device to use daily 5-10 minutes to help stimulate oral facial muscles. It is called a Vibe Five.
So all of you who need ideas for birthday and Christmas we have a catalog full of speech and PT things to get for Caroline. The company is out of Greenville, SC and is called Super Duper. It is family owned and operated. We also will be looking into small leg braces and a stander for Caroline in the next 6-8 months to assist with standing and walking. We are excited about all of the new things we will soon be able to use to help Caroline develop. We have used most of her birthday money. We bought her speech machine and have transitioned into cloth diapers - yeah - I know shocking, but cute and more economincal. Caroline will be in diapers much longer than Carley so we invested in cloth grow with me diapers for home use.We still have to use a disposable diaper at night due to the amount of liquid she consumes at night. There is a new toy we are looking into buying from Fischer Price to help with neck and back muscles too.


Peggy Cerny said...

Hi Abbotts,
I get exhausted just reading about all the new things in your life. I know you will love the new minivan. And it's really exciting that Caroline has a means to sit up some. She will enjoy that. She is such a cutie ! And Carley is getting all grown up. I bet she will love dance as much as Aidan does, especially those recitals. New job, new town, new house, new doctors, new schools, new church, new neighbors, new friends, new car, new adentures - wow talk about NEW. We think of ya'll often and love the updates. We saw James, Sue, Jennifer, Stephen, and Cody in Auburn Saturday - Cody was loving it. And we saw Blanche and Ray in Auburn the week before that. I hope things continue to progress positively for your family - you have many people praying and thinking about ya'll.
Much love,

kristin said...

Hoooray! We need pictures :)
Can't wait to Christmas shop for Caroline from her new favorite toy catalog. Make sure she circles the things she wants!

Anonymous said...

I found your blog via a link from Kara B's blog.... I have read much of your story and you are in my prayers. . . My son was born with a chromosonal disorder, the prognosis was very grim.. . but by God's grace he has suprized many! We still do therapy- 4 sessions a week and an occassional home visit... but it has been so worth it. At one point when he was around 1, we were doing 5 days a week therapy - pool, physical, occupational, speech, etc. . . It's hard, juggling it all, plus older siblings, but somehow thru prayer and patience, it all comes together in the end...

Anyways, he has therapy in a few minutes, so I need to go. . . but since I had been blog 'lurking' for a while, I wanted to drop a note to say hello and you are in my prayers . . .

Your friend, via Kara,