
Friday, September 26, 2008

Neurology Appt!

Caroline had a Dr appt at Neumors yesterday. They weighed her and she is a whopping 18 lbs. So we are getting chubby!!! We met the neurologist, Dr. Hammond. He was very nice and had read up on all of Caroline's medical info. He said she looked really good and was impressed that she was sitting and responding and playing patty cake and peek -a-boo. He asked if she ate solids and responded to pain etc....So he was impressed and said since she is still seizure free we do not need to see you except for once a year unless otherwise. So we rejoice in that news and are grateful that we have not had seizure activity. He said it appears she is normal and healthy inside. I said yes - as far as we know today!!!! He seemed pleased yet stumped by this disorder. So I wanted to say well we all are and we take It one day at a time and are thrilled with the daily discoveries along that way. We will go back to GI and nutrition in Nov as well as genetics to check on weight progress and the new formula. Caroline is plugging along!!! We appreciate all of the continued thoughts and prayers. I am going to scrapbook tonight at home with some new friends. Cam will take the girls to Chick -fil- a or ice cream while I crop!!!!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I am so glad to hear that she is seizure free....she is such a little blessing! Love you, Kelly