
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

2nd Speech Evaluation

Caroline is eating good and trying new baby foods. Mostly just likes to eat cereal and milk. I am ok with that, but feel like I need to keep pressing on. I was discouraged today, but I guess I really should not be. We will now have speech therapy along with physical therapy. So that means another day at home and another weekly time slot filled for us! We will start after our NYC trip. She siad Caroline needs to use a special spoon when feeding that is not as deep and that I need to let her eat slow. I need to not put the spoon in her mouth and scrape toward the roof. I do not know these things, so her low tone is also affecting speech development of sounds and eating effectively. So we are going to start early with all of this. I thought we would have waited until she was 1. I hope it is helpful and not frustrating to me. I am overwhelmed to add things at this point when I thought we were subtracting things from our busy days. No offers yet.....Caroline is around 11 pounds!!!!


Kelly said...

Yay, ELEVEN pounds! I know anything extra must just seem so overwhelming. I am praying the right buyer for the house will arrive SOON!
Enjoy your Scrapbook retreat!

Kelly said...

NEED MORE PICTURES OF THE BABY GIRL!!!!! I always check in hopes of new pictures of Caroline!

Love to you all,


thejae said...

Hi Sweetie...I know days get discouraging...but you're doing great. Really.

I've not had an opportunity to read through all your entries yet, but, over time, I will, and will become better acquainted with you.

Our days are filled with unexpected things. We work and work and work to accomplish the smallest things that other 'normally developed' children do automatically, without the first bit of effort on our part. And then, sometimes, they just 'lose the information', like they never learned it to begin with, and you have to start all over on something you've alreadys spent a lot of time and effort over, and you think...'What did I do WRONG????', as if, something you did, or didn't do, made the difference in their continued success and learning.

You are doing just fine. You aren't doing anything wrong that causes you to have to put in more effort on some of the simplest things. You will learn what to do, little bit by little bit, and things will become second nature to you....sooo, you don't know something today, but soon, you won't think about it, you'll just do it.

David's nurses taught me everything his first few weeks and months. I was afraid to hold him, to bathe him, to feed him, to burp him. I was so afraid I was going to do something wrong.

These babies are remarkably resilient! They have VERY strong wills, which they need to survive!

Yes, she has low muscle tone, but that's her body. Her soul is strong! Her speech may be slow in coming, and may need some enhancing, but that's physical. Her zest for life and for communicating her heart to you will soar through! Trust your instincts, Mama. Trust in Caroline's desire to let you know what she wants.

okay...I've written way too long. I'll email you later's been a busy day, as days with our kiddos are. 7 months, David only weighed 6 pounds. He didn't weigh 11 pounds until he was nearly 2yrs old. So, Caroline is doing GREAT!

Much love to you and Caroline and Carley!

Your new sister and friend! Julie, David's mom :) xox

Terri Rebecky said...

Well.. "Daddy The Photographer" is away from home, so we don't get as many pictures. She does take some really cute pictures though!!!
She is becoming SUCH a big girl with a the new baby foods every week and doing so well with her physical therapy!!! I talk to her on the phone almost every day and sing to her (thank goodness she doesn't know how bad I sound!!)
Kimberly you are doing such a good job with everything, I talk to you 3-4 times a day so I usually know what is going on hourly and it's ALWAYS intersting. Carley makes me laugh!!!!! Falling asleep straight up in her bed the other day just fighting that nap!!
We're so happy to have both girls in our family....... such a joy.. one day they remind me of Kelly and one day they remind me of Kimberly!!! I can't wait to see yal in a few weeks Love You Bunches Mom