
Friday, November 16, 2007

Eight Pounds!

Caroline is 8.6 oz. today. Caroline had a synagis shot today as well as a rota virus vaccine orally. These are new vaccines and were not available when Carley was little. It is scary, but I would not let them give her any other vaccines today and they really did not agree with me. I came home and gave them both tylenol and put them to bed. It was a rough morning to get ready and go to the doctor. Carley got a flu shot too! Cameron had to come help at the end of the appt. We were there for two hours!! I will never take them both together again. It was completely rushed and I am still stressed from making decisions with little or no information and support with what I am up against. My pediatrician does not know or understand Caroline's diagnosis. To her credit neither do I. She thought it was related to downs. I said this is 2/3 of a set of chromosomes not one or two extra or deleted chromosomes. It was a morning like this, " No one should have to do this or feed their child this way." In the meantime I was rushing out the door, changing two diapers, Caroline would not take all of her bottle. I went to grab the syringe and fill it with milk. It popped and bruised my finger. It has happened three times and all of the times I just want to gasp. We made it to the dr. only to wait and be there for two hours. I am beat. Please pray for continued strength. It is hard to feel hopeful and positive everyday when no one else is in my shoes day in and day out.


jan said...

I feel your pain! I am so sorry for your struggles and suffering. I am praying that the Lord will supply you with the strength you need to do the work He has blessed you with each and every day. I know that only He understands your need. Our loving heavenly Father has been so faithful to meet the needs of my crazy life. I am confident that He will for you, too. I check your blog regularly and am praying for good health and abundant life for every member of your sweet family!! As you work today, may you feel His presence and enjoy real peace that passes understanding.

Melanie said...

Hi Kim~

I heard this song one day this week & it made me think of the struggles you are going through...I can't really imagine, but our Heavenly Father knows & loves you! I don't know if you have listened to the Christian artist Ginny Owens before...I first heard her several years back at our church in Chicago, she played piano & sang...beautiful! She is also completely blind. Anyway, this is the song, called If You Want Me To...

The pathway is broken
And The signs are unclear
And I don't know the reason
why You brought me here
But just because You love me
the way that You do
I'm gonna walk through the valley
If You want me to

Cause I'm not who I was
When I took my first step
And I'm clinging to the promise You're not through with me yet
so if all of these trials bring me closer to you
Then I will go through the fire
If You want me to

It may not be the way I would have chosen
When you lead me through a world that's not my home
But You never said it would be easy
You only said I'd never go alone

So When the whole world turns against me
And I'm all by myself
And I can't hear You answer my cries for help
I'll remember the suffering Your love put You through
And I will go through the valley
If You want me to

I hope it brings you a bit of encouragement today. And we are thinking of you & praying for you!Thank you for your outstanding witness and trust in our Lord.

Terri Rebecky said...

I know you had a bad day yesterday.. I talked to you several times in the midst of them. Sweetie, I wish could be there everyday..... I really do. You know I would. I know you get upset and the laundry is lying all over and just everything. All you can do is 1 hour at a time. And know that everyday won't be like yesterday. And Caroline is gainging weight and starting to hold her little head up a little every day and she is doing so so well.. all because of your hard work and everybody's prayers. You know that Dad and I will do anything that you need,,,, of course we're 9 hrs a way but still you know we will and know that we pray for all of you daily and Love you all so very much. Caroline makes you very happy evey hour of the day too. All she has to do is smile at you when you say "mama" to her and I know it makes you know why you do all that you do for her. We can't wait to see all of you on Thurs. for Thanksgiving. I am so thankful we have Little Caroline and Carley. They are the Loves of my life! Love You Bunches

Courtney said...

I love you Kim. I love you, I love you, I love you. Please know that we continue to pray.