
Thursday, June 14, 2012

May - 2011

This month has had many highs and lows for our family. I have so much to talk about I will try to be brief! We lost our beloved pet of almost eleven years at the start of this month. I have really missed her company and wish she had not gone so fast. Golden Retrievers are very sweet and have an easy nature about them. Caroline thinks she is in her crate. Carley is understanding as much as she can that Lucy is in heaven. We were all able to say goodbye before she passed away. We decided to take a mini vacation with the girls after such a heavy month. We rented an RV and took the girls camping at the Fort Wilderness Campground. We really enjoyed our down time and Caroline and Carley did great! I have to say it beats tent camping! We also spent some time in Longboat Key with some dear friends from Tennessee. Then the last week of school came and went and we are right in the middle of a busy summer. Caroline has therapy twice a week. Carley has karate and art classes. And I have begun my search for a golden retriever. Before Lucy got sick I began the process of applying for a scholarship for Caroline to attend school in our adjacent county with a great special needs program and knew it may be tough to get into. We received her scholarship last Thursday and had a school tour last Friday and met with assistant and head principal. We were not guaranteed a spot, but received our letter of acceptance yesterday! We are thrilled!!!! She will be able to be there through fifth grade. We will not have to re apply for her scholarship. It is a much more positive and smaller environment for Caroline. She will receive music therapy, OT, PT, and SPL as well as adaptive PE.
She will be in a room of varying exceptionalities K, 1st, and 2nd graders. The last two years have been hard and quite an emotional roller coaster learning the way to navigate my way thorough the public school system of special needs and I.E.P meetings and attempting to meet Caroline's needs.
I am truly grateful for God's timing and allowing all of these things to fall into place for our family. The Bible tells us that our steps are ordered by The Lord. It is a great comfort in knowing when things are chaotic and the way is rocky that each of our steps are ordered by God. Carley has some pretty exciting things going for her next year too! She is able to loop into second grade with  her  same teachers from First Grade. She has two full time teachers and they are both equally wonderful and we will get to have them again next year! She received awards for all E's this year and a year of great behavior and citizenship! I am encouraged that we hopefully will find a dog soon that will be a good fit for our family. I just never knew how much Lucy would be missed.