Happy New Year! We have had eventful eventful 2011. I will recap some things about our busy lives. Carley is enjoying school and Girls Scouts this school year. She is learning to ride her bike and roller skate. We are hopeful for her as her mom was uncoordinated in these areas. She loves to read chapter books and barbies and playing with friends.
Cam is continually busy at work, but seems to get home a bit earlier than last year. He also has been provided a company car which allows us to meet Caroline's needs. We hope this is not a temporary thing. I have been able to join weight watchers and substitute teach at Caroline's private pre-school. I love it!!!! Caroline has progressed to one and two spoken words in her speech. Her personality as come shining through. She is funny, but so very opinionated and stubborn. She asks me every day to take her "shoes off" and "clothes off". She is not able to crawl or walk yet. My deepest desire is to have her stand and take side steps this calendar year!
She has a great pt who donated a new gait trainer to us and we are hopeful as it is just the right size for her. She still uses her stander for leg strengthening and a back brace at night for scoliosis.
We also were given a huge blessing as our insurance will not cover all of this durable medical equipment. We have special friends and neighbors who are allowing us to use a whee chair that happens to fit Caroline perfectly. She is 35 pounds of dead weight and cumbersome to hold and move now. The wheelchair allows us to go to church easier and walk in parking lots. It allows us to give her a place to eat when there are no highchairs. And it takes the stress off of my back.
She loves to be sitting tall in a very comfy gel seat! This was a tough decision for me to decide because I do not want to give up on her walking!!!! However, God used my friend at the right time to say we want you to use this. I needed it , but was so afraid. It is a blessing and she likes it!
We are at a school five days a week and private pt on Wednesdays in St. Augustine. We have a nice schedule. But I could not do it without my friends who help with Carley when I need assistance for pick up. God hears our prayers and provides for our deepest needs. I pray this year will hold much spiritual growth for myself as well as you. Thank you for reading our blog and praying for us as you think of it! One more praise! Caroline has had no seizures on her medicine!!!!