
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Mom Day - Happy Fall

Today I spent most of the day running errands and how I enjoyed going all five places kid free. It was great to get so much done and now I can relax the rest of the week. Caroline had her second day today at MMO. She always seems to eat her lunch and is very tired after a full day at school. Carley has pre-k from 9:30 - 1pm and Caroline has MMO on Wed. from 9:30 - 1pm. I am forever grateful for such a loving and safe environment for both of my girls. Carley is looking forward to her cooking project tomorrow. They have a recipe every Thursday. I am going to be able to hep in her room three times this year now that Caroline has a spot to be once a week.
we are looking forward to fall here in Florida. Although that means the weather is still HOT here we remember all of our other fall traditions that we try to carry with us here. I made a cute center piece today for the kitchen and bought a fun pumpkin candle. Cameron and I are heading up a fall block party for the kids in our cul-de-sac and around on the 31st. Saturday Cameron and I are going to a concert while Mimi and Papa keep the girls. Should be fun.
Last weekend was a lot of fun. we traveled to SC with the girls and Lucy for Carter and Cody's birthday party at Pump it up. And to see our Nana and Papa too!it was nice to get away and pretend we lived near cooler weather for a short stint. Carley and Cody played the whole weekend and got along great!!! Lucy travels well and enjoyed the cooler air too. Caroline went down the slide at Pump it up with Cameron 3x. We will have to post the cute pics later.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Chick-Fil-A Free Sandwich Giveaway

Tonight we had dinner at Chick-Fil-A. If you dressed in "Team" gear they gave you a free sandwich. We all dressed in our Auburn clothes and had a great dinner. The Chick-Fil-A was packed....

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Mulch Project and Icecream Cones

Labor day Weekend

Nice day. Cool weather for Florida this am. Cam and I spread mulch in all the front beds of the house today. Caroline is doing well. We have a new speech therapist who is very loving and patient. We have had 4 sessions so far. Caroline can now say the "p" sound and is working more consistently toward the "b" sound and babbling intentionally. The hardest part is handling her frustration and knowing she wants to talk and move. she does not mind the stander and is up to 20minutes. She still needs her naps and rest although she is becoming a fighter and is trying to take one nap and goes to bed by 7:30 some nights these days and is up by 6am some days.
She will start her MMO class on Wed at our church. I am excited and now she will be loved and cared for and enjoy being at pre - school. She is going to have 6 teachers and only 6 kids in her class. It is amazing how God has supplied my needs, as a parent with concerns, through the details at our home church. Carley loves being at school and church and seems to be excited about Mrs. Kerry. She gave them root beer floats on orientation day - who would not be excited about that at school? We are having a relaxing weekend and look forward to being home one more day this weekend. Caroline is also learning how to eat with her spoon, but would much rather use her hands.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009