
Thursday, November 13, 2008

Signing and Communicating

For some of you who have not met Caroline I wanted to share all she is able to do in tun taking, communicating, and responding to us. She shakes her head no - no, waves bye -bye when she deems necessary. She is able to give eye contact and motion toward objects nearby. She just started signing please and dog this week when we ask her too. She has been sitting since 14 m, but because she has no protective reflexes we have to keep a pillow close for when she gives up and falls back. She is now eating table foods at all meals along with baby food as filler. She also recognizes Cameron and I as Dada and Mama and is able to verbalize these too! we are excited in all of these new developments and efforts. For playing imitating games she plays peek-a-boo and patty cake. Loves to hear itsy bitsy spider and always raises her hands to music! We are grateful and hope more communication develops in time. She tries to copy our sounds and mouth noises, but sometimes noise just isn't there. Her stander will be here in two weeks. Our PT has been very instrumental in moving Caroline forward as well as our speech therapists in guiding me in how to practice exercises and try new foods with Caroline. I appreciate those of you who listen, watch from the sidelines, and encourage me as days go by. Caroline still benefits from much prayer and God's direction in our lives. I am blessed and encouraged!

1 comment:

kristin said...

Precious! I can't wait to see all of you in 2 weeks and see her progress for myself (and sneak a great big hug, too!).

If she doesn't have one, you could teach her a sign for Carley - they'd probably both love that!