
Monday, April 28, 2008

Goodbye Charlotte

We are here! We drove seven hours yesterday with the help of Cameron and Papa James. Lucy, the boat, two kids and two vehicles - I am sure we looked like the Beverly Hill Billies. I think I will have to write my own lyrics to the 12 days of moving. Anyone who has moved form a faraway place knows the hardships of relocating.
On the first day of moving we slept in an empty house on an air mattress and Cameron got sick... (In the early am Cameron got sick all night throwing up and etc...)
On the second day of moving Carley woke up with a sick tummy too! - yuck!!!
On the third day of moving Carley finger painted her toys with honey mustard and the place mats in the corporate apt while I was in the shower.
I can hardly wait to see what happens tomorrow. HA HA!!!
Caroline is sweet and seems to have a little cold - she is down on her ounces and only weighed 12.5 ounces at her 9 month check. She seems to be happy. Her speech is not progressing and by that I mean baby sounds. I was prepared for this. We are still doing bits of sign language. I know she is aware of us and all we do, but seems to not be able to get sound out. Some days it makes me sad because I want to fix it for her. I am awaiting more information on getting our speech and PT services set up here. We have an orthopedic appt on July 3, 2008 to check on scoliosis. We close on our Charlotte house tomorrow and on the new house on Wednesday. I will be in touch after we move in the house.


Dawn said...

Thoughts and prayers are with you! Let me know when you are settled. Praying that everyone stays well for a while.

randommomma said...

I've been praying for you all as you've been making the move! So sorry to hear Cameron & Carley have been sick! I hope you & Caroline can avoid the bug!

If you still have my e-mail address, would you please send me your new address? Thanks!

Love you all!
P.S. ~ J-M graduates in a couple of weeks and he's going to C-N in the fall! Seems like just yesterday he was in your 2nd grade class at JES!

thejae said...

Beware grogal!

I don't know if grogal is a virus or a blog spammer, but I've googled 'grogal see here' and found the identical add on many different blogs.

I just clicked the 'here' and something started downloading..had the presence of mind to hit my power strip button and shut everything down before it finished. Am running my antivirus software as we speak.

Anyway...I CAME ON HERE, to wish you a happy homecoming in Florida! I LOVE your pics!!

I'm so sorry everyone has been so sick, Hon....that's not fun anytime, much less when there is SO MUCH TO DO!!!!

Great progress on establishing doctors in your new area, Go, Girl!!

I love you! Take care...hope to hear from you soon!

xox Julie

Jenn Jensen said...

Hi, Kim!

I was checking in again to see if there was any new news. "Settled" would be a bit much to hope for, but I'm wondering if you're in the new house.

I just groaned the other day when I read that the fam was sick. So sorry for that complication... as I'm sure you all were, too. And I do hope it didn't spread.

Well, I look forward to hearing (hopefully good, but I'll take what you've got) news soon. I fully expect a handmade change of address card to arrive in my mailbox within the week. ;) 'Cause that's what I would do, you know! :0

Love you, dear,